International Bestselling Author, Former Successful Hedge Fund Manager & World Renowned Mastermind Facilitator Brad Hart Presents


Grab Your Free Copy Of The 8 Minute Money Manager

Learn How To Simply and Automatically Add Millions to Your Net Worth, Win the Game of Money, and Leave a Legacy in 4 Hours a Month
"The best time to invest was yesterday, the next best time is today and the worst time is tomorrow." - Randell Tiongson

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Add the Audiobook version of 8 Minute Money Manager plus the 'Building A Money Machine' Exclusive Training to your order today for only $497 $97. Listen 'on the go' from your phone, tablet, or other mobile device or even your computer. Professionally recorded and read, you'll learn the Rules of the Game of managing and growing wealth than reading the book alone! During the 'Building A Money Machine' presentation I give you a behind the scenes look at what I do with investments and what's worked for me, plus it's got more stories and strategies that I don't share in the book. Get access to watch a special private mastermind training that I did on investing.

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8 Minute Mastermind Bundle

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What is The 8 Minute Money Manager?
The 8 Minute Money Manager is not just another "financial" book on achieving wealth with generic tips. 

In these 158 pages, I show you step-by-step how to manage your money with very little effort, so that it's taken care of and works for you.

We'll give you the guide on how to invest properly, take care of your money so it takes care of you so that you can live the life you deserve and make an impact in your lifetime and beyond.  
The 8 Minute Money Manager is A Shortcut
If you want me to show you how I went from burn out and stress... to creating a lifestyle that allowed me to build my wealth while helping a lot of people and having a lot of fun without investing a ton of time, then you want this Free Book.  Because, among other things, the Free Book reveals How To Leverage The 5 Buckets to build a safety net, have flexibility, and manage your money in a way that doesn't take up all your time. 

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I urge anyone who is looking to create wealth in multiple different streams to align yourself with Brad...
"Brad has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and inspiration to help anyone line in their dreams. "
- Joely Robertson
I would have been okay with 10% , happy with 15-20% and over the moon with any more. Brad delivered almost 5x that.
"It's true that there's never a guarantee of future success in an investment, and none of us can predict what the next year will bring , but I can say that Hartwood earned more for me in the past year than my retirement fund returned in that las 5 years (combined), with a fraction of the investment capital."
- Morgan D.
I've gained tremendous value and clarity through Brad’s mastermind
"He is brilliant and clever with his knowledge of solving problems and providing solutions. "
- Cherilyn Jones

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So, How Do You Manage Your Money?

This is not a rags to riches story…

But a riches to rags to riches story…

My great uncle Al had invested a small amount of money way back when in stocks like Bell Telephone and Standard Oil at Great Depression prices.

Well, these oil and gas and telecom companies over the years became names like Exxon, Chevron, Texaco, AT&T, Verizon, and they all paid dividends.
He left these stocks to my grandfather.

When my grandfather was in his golden years he wanted to transfer his assets early into my dad's name.

One day, soon after this inheritance was passed (early) to my dad, he got pretty drunk, decided to attack me, and ended up in jail.

So, for the last few years of my childhood I moved out of the house.

I lived in my car at first, for three weeks, showering at the gym at school each day.

One day my football coach figured out I had been living in my car, and influenced me to get my act together. Thanks Coach.

Since my maternal grandfather had died from a heart attack when I was six, I went to school to become Dr. Hart, the cardiologist...

...but that didn’t quite pan out.

I just got a biology degree instead.

I needed money, so instead I became a bartender during the height of the real estate bubble, just before it started to all fall apart.

Bankers from Lehman and Bear Stearns and the like would come to the bar with their clients and drop $2,000 or $3,000 on their corporate card on a Tuesday, tip 20%, and I was making sometimes $400 or $500 a night as a bartender. 

I didn't really understand what they did, but I was obsessed with learning and would chat them up all I could. 

I probably pulled down $100,000 in cash that year, living well enough.

But when the financial collapse happened that pretty much all went away overnight.

So I figured I would give my original career path a shot. I decided I could get a job with my biology degree.

After I shotgunned my resume to over 200 companies, I ended up getting ONE interview.

“Oh, I don't see where you’ve gotten your PhD anywhere here, on your resume.”

Not to be deterred, I pressed further. “Well, sir,” I said, “I don't have a PhD. But if I did, what would you pay me?

He humored me, he said, “We pay starting PhDs $35,000 a year.”

“You know,” I said, “ maybe this is not for me.”

I pounded the pavement for two weeks all the way from Harlem on down the island of Manhattan.

Not a single job to be had.

When I finally got down to Wall Street, I remembered the old Warren Buffett quote... so I figured, “If everybody's running out of the room, I should be running into the room, right?”

So I went on Craigslist and found an ad for an opening at an asset management firm.

I went into the office, spoke with the senior broker, and got hired on the spot. The job was entry level, I was making up to 1,000 calls a day.

It was grueling work, but I kept learning. To hedge my bets, I went and got a real estate license at night.

And when I finished, I was recruited by an up-and-coming real estate firm.

I thrived there, getting 5 promotions inside of two years, during the worst time in real estate history. I was finally starting to get my feet under me, learning valuable skills that translated to running a business. 

On Mother’s Day, two years later, I was on the train out to visit Mom on Long Island and I got the call that my dad passed away.

I received what inheritance was left, an old house that ate money, and some cash…

And realized that if my dad, at the rate he was going, had lived even a few years longer, what my grandfather left him would have been completely gone. 

So I vowed that I would right the ship, and create a legacy for my family, and to make sure what happened to my family never happened to anyone else I came into contact with as long as they were willing to listen and apply what I've learned. 

This book is basically the advice I’d give to anyone about money who hasn’t been obsessed with learning about it like I have been for the last 20 years. 

The ups and downs seemed endless, but I finally started getting my feet under me.

I took my cash and bought 1,000 shares of Tesla at $22 a share, an investment which would now likely be worth around $3-4 million had I held on to it.

I sold most of it when it doubled, thinking I was a genius. 

I missed an opportunity to buy Bitcoins at $0.05. I invested $5000 in a Bitcoin trading app that went nowhere instead. 

That's a billion dollar mistake and counting (though I did grab some at under $100, and eventually lost some of them due to user error, but what I managed to hold on to went crazy, 50,000% returns and counting.)

Each time when I found out I had made a huge mistake, I updated my rules accordingly.  

Such as always invest in the underlying asset, and how it pays to set yourself up to be in a position where you can buy and hold forever.


And now that I do know better, I want to teach people what rules I've learned.

One of the things I did right was get into masterminds.

As a result of being a part of Neil Strauss’s mastermind I started my own hedge fund.

I was trading 3D printing stocks at the time.

I was geeking out about them, actually, and I met this guy in my mastermind who had a column in Forbes Magazine.

He invited me to write about the 3D stocks for Forbes. So, in 2012 I wrote the article, and it went nuts. 

Even one of my early mentors Tim Ferriss tweeted about it.

It got over 300,000 reads.

Everybody in Silicon Valley saw it.

Meanwhile, the stocks went crazy, like 10x in some cases.

I had given a stock tip to one of the members of Neil’s mastermind and he soon reached out to me and said,

“Hey, man, I just quintupled my money in the stock and paid for my wedding with it.

What else you got?”

I said, “nothing really. I’m just doing my thing.”

“Well,” he said, “then can I give you some money to manage?”

I didn’t even know what that would look like, so I went to another guy I knew who was a floor trader at the PHLX exchange and told him,

“Hey, this guy wants to give me money to manage for him—What do I do?”

He said, “just start a hedge fund.”

I laughed, “What the hell do I know about running a hedge fund? Do I have to get the Pope to wave a magic wand? Do I have to be a licensed broker?”

“No,” he said, “not really. You just get an accountant...Hire a lawyer. It’s not rocket science.

“Okay,” I said, “Looks like I'm starting a hedge fund.”

I pitched 200 people and 17 of them said yes to becoming an investor.
I raised about half a million bucks.

I partnered up with another mentor of mine who ran a fund so we would have more strategies, more eyes on different opportunities and trades.

And we ended up generating 106% returns in 2013.

We had a million-dollar profit month between the two funds.

I was making huge money but I was burned out and stressed a lot.

It was like we were all Hungry Hungry Hippos (remember that kid’s game?) grabbing for all the marbles.

Real estate and finance are both parts of the wealth cycle.

But the way we were making money was a zero-sum game.

In every single one of those transactions, in order for somebody to win, somebody else had to lose.

And even in real estate, there's only so much room in a deal.

So when one party wins, every dollar they won came from the other party.

I wanted to create value instead of just extracting it.

Make More Marbles

I decided I was tired of us all fighting over marbles, and I decided I wanted to make more marbles.

And that sounded like a pretty good motto, so it's the name of my company today.

And I now have a three rules for living my life:

1. Help a lot of people,
2. Have a lot of fun,
3. Make a lot of money.

Previously, I was only living by rule number three.

And I’ve found any time I focus too much on money, not only do I make less, I have less fun.

And if something isn’t fun, it will be hard to sustain it for very long.

So when I inherited what was left, combined with my savings, my vision was to protect and grow that money.

I decided I wanted to be more like my Great Uncle Al, in the sense of how he managed things and left a legacy, and not so much like my dad who, God bless him, just didn't know how to manage money.

And I feel like I've done a pretty good job of that.

The financial education I feel I have as a result, is one of the things I wish I’d had when I was younger.

I became obsessed with teaching people how to build their own money machines, how to manage your own finances in about eight minutes each day, which shakes out to about one hour each week, or four hours each month, and with results you have to experience to believe...
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Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
Inside Of This FREE Book... Here Are A Few Of The Strategies That You'll Be Given For FREE...
Inside of 8 Minute Money Manager Brad will be sharing with you 9 Chapters to help you specifically with managing your money...
Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside of your free copy of this new book: 
            • The 5 bucket strategy that will show you how to build your own money machine...Pg. 11
            • My 4 step ATOM process that I use when I consult with my mastermind clients on financial matters...Pg. 14
            • A simple way to categorize your assets without headaches...Pg. 15
                • The 8 essential criteria for investments in my 5 bucket strategy (after assessing hundreds of asset classes…so you don’t have to)...Pg. 23
                • The first thing that we always focus on when it comes to money management...Pg. 27
                • The hidden tax that you don’t know about that is robbing you of your well invested money...Pg. 31
                • The top 3 risks of index funds and how to manage them...Pg. 34
                • The fastest path to wealth, even faster than investing well...Pg. 36
                • The difference between speculation and investing (why most make “bad” investments and when to use speculation)...Pg. 37
                • The 4 economic seasons and a “Basic All Weather” portfolio...Pg. 40
                • How to make money by taking care of someone else’s debt...Pg. 43
                • The capital stack equation that shows who holds the money...Pg. 44
                • Why real estate is not the passive strategy many people have led you to believe...Pg. 48
                • Your money machine blueprint (and what is “active” and what is “passive”)...Pg. 50
                  • The other side of the conversation of wealth that you won’t find in other “financial” books...Pg. 51
                  • The top charities that I give and work with that ignite the FUSE...Pg. 54
                  • The buckets I recommend if you unable to use all 5...Pg. 57
                  • Fire your bank to ensure this in your money machine...Pg. 59
                  • The real rate at which inflation is rising that the Fed doesn’t tell you...Pg. 61
                  • The real truth about what it takes to get rich...Pg. 63
                  • How to pay your taxes without leaving a “tip”...Pg. 63
                  • One of the key pillars to creating and managing your wealth...Pg. 69
                  • How rich families use life insurance to grow their wealth...Pg. 73
                  • The one strategy that could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams... Pg. 74
                  • What to think about first before you invest...Pg. 76
                  • The best thing about buying and holding “paper” assets...Pg. 76
                  • A peek behind the curtain of how the game of wealth is really played...Pg. 81
                  • How to get the banks to pay for your retirement with less risk...Pg. 88
                  • A simple checklist for maximizing your chances of picking winning stocks...Pg. 95
                  • The only useful benchmark in the long term when it comes to stocks...Pg. 96
                  • The 3 insights from charts that tell you how the stock is trading...Pg. 97
                  • My 8 rule updates since I first started on my financial quest...Pg. 103
                  • How to invest like Warren Buffett...Pg. 104
                  • Always go into buying stock clear on these three things...Pg. 118
                  • 2 strategies using mortgage and leverage that you may never have considered...Pg. 122
                  • 4 caveats to keep in mind when investing in high risk vehicles...Pg. 126
                  Building Wealth can be broken down into 5 Buckets:
                          • ​Buffer In The Bank
                          • ​Become The Bank
                          • ​Buy and Hold
                          • ​Buy rehab, rent, refinance
                          • ​Bet on Big Ideas
                                  And That's JUST The First 126 Pages...
                                  You'll Also Get Our Case Study on Improving Your Investments... Options Strategies... And SO MUCH MORE!
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                                  Like I mentioned before, this book is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer to listen to the audiobook, I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your details in below...
                                  What Are Others Already Saying About '8 Minute Money Manager?'
                                  "I now have many of my financial goals in line with the targets Brad gave me.
                                  I now have: 
                                  -Three streams of income,
                                  -Six months of living expenses sitting in my bank,
                                  -A great life insurance policy
                                  -Higher earnings that I have ever had in my life,
                                  A will, in case I die (this is one of my biggest accomplishments),
                                  -And I have built and grown as a man, an entrepreneur, and I am now a mentor to others in the business world" - Andrew Mercier

                                  This Book is Jam Packed With The Some of The Same Strategies I Teach In My Investment Mastermind.
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                                        I have never seen such returns in my entire life! 
                                        "I invested with Brad Hart at the advice of my son, who knew him personally. My financial abilities are rather limited, so I listened to my son who has the education and the knowledge to advise me on financial matters. 

                                        He assured me that Brad was a true professional, someone I could trust, someone who had his respect as an expert in financial matters.

                                        I really appreciate Brad's frankness: he tells things as they are, sometimes good, at other times bad. There are never surprises, since he keeps me informed regularly. His reports are very informative and one can really learn from them.”
                                        - Tudor R, University Professor
                                        I have always admired Brad for his consistency. 

                                        "He is a wealth of knowledge and expertise and I am grateful to him for the discussion we had this evening. Over the course of the call Brad provided resources, directed me towards tapping into my network and exploring new ideas for making money while considering the broad outlook of my financial and personal life. Brad's eye for detail and keen sense of goals and direction are what really motivate me to propel forward. “You're ready for action.” 
                                        - Dan R. Staff Sergeant, USAF
                                        ...he knows how to attract the right people and assets into your life, in order to do the things you want to do in the world. 

                                        “Brad's seemingly limitless curiosity and energy has made him someone I will continue to learn from and grow with. He sees money as a tool to make the world a better place, not something to hoard for its own sake. I know that this is what drives him to share his knowledge of how it all works –And I look forward to whatever is next!”
                                        - Joe C. Early Google Employee, Entrepreneur
                               life has not only improved financially, but spiritually. 

                                        "When I first met Brad I could tell there is something special about him. 

                                         At the time I didn't know what it was, but now I can tell you– He has true charisma, not the fake act that most people carry, but the genuine appeal of knowing exactly what he wants and how to accomplish it. 

                                         From the time I have met him, my life has not only improved financially, but spiritually. Brad has taught me more about myself in the two short years I've known him than most will in a lifetime."
                                        - Ajay S- International Manufacturing Conglomerate Executive, Entrepreneur
                                        Brad would be a great person to have at your side, as a mentor, teacher or advisor.

                                        "Brad also has a unique approach to wealth building and to teaching this topic to others. I’ve heard him speak about this topic several times, and it still impresses me how he managed to take complex financial topics such as risk management and simplify them to a level that even a child could understand without “dumbing it down” or losing any of the contexts."
                                        - Sam C. App Development Expert and Entrepreneur
                                        Brad doesn't hold back and wants to give you the complete picture on your financial future.

                                        "I have read financial books and done other financial trainings in the past, only to feel like they weren't giving the whole picture. Or they were so complex and difficult to understand that my head was spinning and I thought that I would never get a handle on this "money management" thing. After reading Brad's book, I have a much deeper understanding of what it takes to manage money and have a game plan going forward to build my wealth and leave a legacy . 
                                        - Kate M. Funnel LLC, Copywriter
                                        As you can see...
                                        The 8 Minute Money Manager Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
                                        The Question Is, Are YOU Next?
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                                        When you get your copy of my new 8 Minute Money Manager book, I’m going to give you my Crypto Cheat Sheet where I share all my crypto resources.

                                        With definitions and how to keep your crypto safe, this cheat sheet has everything you need to get started with crypto currency.

                                        I also introduce you to some of the communities I'm in here you can continue the conversation about crypto.

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                                        Get access to a special private mastermind training that I did on investing. It's got stories and strategies that I don't share in the book.

                                        During the presentation I give you a behind the scenes look at what I do with investments and what's been working. 

                                        It's all about the Rules of the Game of managing and growing wealth. 
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                                        Every week I host a Clubhouse room on investing. 

                                        You'll have the opportunity to join this weekly conversation, where I share my tips and strategies, bring in guest experts (like how to kill it with Airbnb, manage a real estate empire, invest in portfolio grade life insurance and others).

                                        I don't know how long I'll be running this so get in on the action while you can.
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                                        You'll get access to our previous sessions as well as a transcript of the call. 

                                        So you don't have to worry about missing a thing when it comes to understanding investing. 

                                        You can bounce around and go back to key insights that you can apply in your life.

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                                        "Investment Planning Call"
                                        Total Value: $347.00+
                                        Sometimes managing your money can seem overwhelming, especially if you aren’t clear with where you are or where you want to go. 
                                        With the Investing Laser Planning Call, you can get right into action building your wealth with confidence and ease.
                                        Jump on a call with one of our 8 Minute Money Manager coaches and get massive insight into your financial future.
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                                        Now, I know what you're probably thinking.
                                        "I Don't Know How To Invest (or manage my money)"
                                        And that's exactly WHY you need to get your copy of the 8 Minute Money Manager. 

                                        If you knew how to build a money managing machine, you wouldn't need it. This book will show you exactly how to Protect and Grow Your money.

                                        And if you're nervous that you won't be able to make more marbles for your marble making machine?

                                        Don't worry, I’ve dedicated an entire section of this book to talk about making more marbles.

                                        All you have to do is let me know your shipping address, here on this page, and I’ll rush you a free copy to your doorstep.

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                                        You could go to Amazon, pay more and miss out on the bonuses, but right now, I want to want to overdeliver for you when you fill out the information on this page!

                                        Oh, and in case you're wondering…

                                          There Is NO CATCH! 

                                                I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

                                                This isn't one of them.

                                                There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

                                                Well, there are actually a few reasons…
                                                • It's my way of saying thank you for following me and being serious about your financial future and helping others whose lives YOU can impact.
                                                • Because (unlike other "experts") I don't make all of my money teaching others how to effectively invest and manage their money (I actually run real businesses online selling digital products & affiliate products. And offline with my own paid masterminds, real estate, financial investment vehicles and more)... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.
                                                • I get the opportunity to help make a difference in your life over these next few weeks and when you see just how much impact it can have, I hope to have the opportunity to help guide you in other areas of improving your business and your life through one of my other programs & experiences.

                                                Time Is Of The Essence...

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                                                Brad Hart

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